CSIR-JRF-NET – Life Sciences Online Unit Test
Online Test Series for CSIR Net Life Science – Mere theoretical knowledge will not enable a student to crack the exam until and unless it is supplemented with repeated practice of tests. These tests assess students’ abilities and complete the process of learning.
They also help students identify their weak areas and the gaps in their preparation and start rectifying them. It is very important to be well acquainted with the level and pattern of questions before appearing for the final exam.
Our topic-wise online test series, along with the mock tests, will help you analyze your gaps and weaknesses.
Online Test Series for CSIR NET Life Science
Online Test Series for CSIR NET Life Science: These have been specially designed to provide in-depth knowledge and the important areas to focus on.
Types of Tests
a. Unit-wise tests and
b. Mock tests
(A) Unit-wise tests
There will be 15 unit-wise test papers. These thirteen test papers will cover all 13 units of Life Sciences. Each question paper shall contain 60 multiple-choice questions, which are further divided into two parts: Part B and Part C. The questions in Part B shall be similar to that of Part B of the CSIR-JRF-NET exam (two marks each), and the questions in Part C shall be similar to that of Part C of the CSIR-JRF-NET exam (four marks each). There will be two unit test papers on General aptitude containing 60 questions. Each question shall carry 2 marks, similar to Part A of the CSIR- JRF-NET exam. There will be negative markings for each incorrect answer @ 0.5 per the wrong answer for Part A, Part B, and Part C.
(B) Mock Tests
There will be 5 mock test papers based on the syllabus and pattern of CSIR-JRF-NET. These mock tests can be availed once the candidate attempts all the unit-wise test papers. The mock tests familiarize students with real exam scenarios, i.e., the duration and pattern of the test paper at the actual exam. Also, these mock tests help the candidates increase their speed of attempting questions.
Schedule of Unit Tests
To take these tests, a candidate will have login with a given username and password. A candidate can begin with any of the unit tests. Only one chance is given to attempt each test, which lasts 1:1/2 hour. A detailed description of each unit test is mentioned below:

Unit test – 1 General Aptitude (Logical reasoning, probability, permutation and combination, and series formation)
Unit test – 2 General Aptitude(Graphical analysis, data interpretation, Geometry, etc.)
Unit test – 3 Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
Unit test – 4 Cellular Organization
Unit test – 5 Fundamental Processes
Unit test – 6 Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
Unit test – 7 Developmental Biology
Unit test – 8 System Physiology – Plant
Unit test – 9 System Physiology – Animal
Unit test – 10 Inheritance Biology
Unit test -11 Diversity of Life Forms
Unit test -12 Ecological Principles
Unit test -13 Evolution and Behavior
Unit test – 14 Applied Biology
Unit test – 15 Methods in Biology
Result and Analysis of Unit Tests
The result and feedback will be declared immediately after a candidate completes and submits the test paper. This will assist the candidate to judge and analyze their performance so that they can rectify their mistakes.
Schedule of Mock Tests
To take 5 tests, a candidate will have a login with a given username and a password. A candidate can begin with mock tests ONLY after attempting all the unit tests. There will be three mock tests, which will be held in December. Only one chance is given to attempt each mock test for 3 hours. A detailed description of each mock test is mentioned below:
1st Mock test
2nd Mock test
3rd Mock test
4th Mock test
5th Mock test
Result and Analysis of Mock Tests
The result and feedback will be declared a day after a candidate completes and submits the test paper. Apart from the answer key, hints will be given for analytical questions.
Log-in time 24 (Total Test Time is Three Hours)